Negocios y Actividad Empresarial en Costa Rica
Market opportunities
Business environment
Industry trends
Costumbre y Etiqueta Empresarial en Costa Rica
La vertiginosa velocidad a la que se «globalizan» los negocios requiere una nueva raza de ejecutivos, directivos y empleados de primera línea que sean expertos en el arte de la comunicación intercultural, donde simples malentendidos pueden poner en peligro acuerdos multimillonarios. Tanto si se está preparando para una misión a largo plazo en Costa Rica como para un breve viaje a Costa Rica para reunirse con clientes, proveedores o distribuidores, este recurso será un recurso indispensable para comprender la dinámica de la comunicación intercultural, evitar meteduras de pata embarazosas (y costosas) y navegar con éxito por las sutilezas de la interacción social.
Revela las sutilezas de la interacción, las estrategias de negociación y las habilidades profesionales que necesita para mantenerse preparado para el éxito en sus viajes de negocios. A medida que los estadounidenses se embarcan en negocios más globales, deben comprender la cultura y las costumbres que hay detrás del enorme crecimiento económico de América Latina. Aprenda todo lo que necesita saber sobre las prácticas empresariales, los estilos cognitivos y las costumbres sociales de Latinoamérica. Dé el regalo adecuado; tenga el gesto adecuado.
Basándose en investigación sobre elementos tan importantes de la comunicación como los gestos no verbales, la vestimenta y las costumbres a la hora de hacer regalos; y presentando docenas de coloridos ejemplos y consejos útiles; este recurso presenta un enfoque práctico para interpretar las señales y los símbolos de todo el mundo, superar los estereotipos y dominar los matices de la comunicación internacional.
Incluye: 1: Costumbres y consejos para viajar — 2: Lenguaje, saludos, presentaciones y tarjetas de visita — 3: Socializar — 4: Gestos y otros comunicadores no verbales — 5: Vestimenta y apariencia — 6: Actitudes, comportamientos y costumbres culturales — 7: Costumbres en la cena y propinas — 8: Costumbres y modales en la conversación — 9: Costumbres y etiqueta en la comunicación oral y escrita — 10: Etiqueta para mujeres de negocios internacionales
Este texto le proporciona los inestimables conocimientos interculturales que le ayudarán a cerrar un trato, vender su producto o encontrar una empresa conjunta, en Costa Rica.
Ver el libro global business etiquette by jeanette s. martin, que está en Scribd.
Emerging Markets Information Service
Find news, company and industry information, and financial and economic data for emerging markets/countries. -
Find international market intelligence, including economic statistics, on industries, countries, and consumers.
Global Competitiveness Report (World Economic Forum)
Download the most recent report free of charge. -
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
GEM is the world’s foremost study of entrepreneurship. For over 100 countries, GEM looks at two elements:
1. The entrepreneurial behavior and attitudes of individuals
2. The national context and how that impacts entrepreneurship -
US Dept. of Commerce Country Commercial Guides
Market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business customs for over 125 countries prepared by trade and industry experts at U.S. embassies worldwide. Select a country from the drop-down.
Specialized Resources
For the Traveler:
The ultimate Business Travel Guide
U.S. Dept. of State Country Information
Provides country overviews and travel advisories.
Political Environment:
Political Handbook of the World
Covers political information on more than 200 countries, providing government histories, party profiles, and election results.
Career Focused: (Poner)
Country Information – Public Websites
CIA: The World Factbook – Argentina
Provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. -
Current news
Country Commercial Guide: Argentina
Data collected by the U.S. Commercial Service providing trade counseling, market intelligence, trade promotion opportunities and trade advocacy. -
Index of Economic Freedom: Argentina
Compiled annually by the Heritage Foundation. Basic country information and the Heritage Foundation/Wall Street Journal’s Economic Freedom Scores by Country. -
International Finance Corp. and The World Bank: Doing Business- Argentina
The Doing Business project provides objective measures of business regulations for local firms in 183 economies and selected cities at the sub-national level. -
International Monetary Fund – Argentina
Country reports, surveys and news, plus international data & statistics (time series data, financial statistics, economic indicators, exchange rates, etc.). -
Social and economic data
World Economic Forum – Reports
Publishes a comprehensive series of reports which examines in detail the broad range of global issues, including The Global Competitiveness Report & the Global Risks Report (keyword search ‘Argentina’).MEXICO:
U.S. Census Foreign Trade: Trade in Goods with Mexico
Monthly data going back to 1985 -
Data from the Observatory of Economic Complexity at MIT
Quarterly reports and other publications from BBVA Research
Doing Business in Mexico: country commercial guide for US companies
Issued by the US Commercial Service -
A 2020 guide from Deloitte
A 2020 guide from Ecovis
Annual report on the most valuable Mexican brands ranked by Brand Finance
Country results from the OECD’s Better Life Index tracking 11 different quality of life metrics
Other Sources and Links
American Chamber of Commerce in Argentina
In Spanish -
In Spanish
BCBA Buenos Aires Stock Exchange
In Spanish -
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) – Argentina
Socioeconomic country data and topical publications. -
Latin American Network Information (LANIC)
Links to academic institutions, Government and cultural/history of Argentina. Published by the University of Texas at Austin. -
Where Will Latin America’s Growth Come From?
A 2017 Discussion Paper from McKinsey Global Institute -
OEC: Argentina trade statistics
Data from the Observatory of Economic Complexity at MIT -
U.S. Census Foreign Trade: Trade in Goods with Argentina
Monthly data going back to 1985 -
A 2021 guide from Deloitte
An annual ranking of the most valuable regional brands ranked by Brand Finance
The Gini coefficient measure the inequalty among values of a frequency of distribution e.g. income on a scale of 0-1.
- A Gini coefficient of 0 expresses perfect equality where are values are the same.
- A Gini coefficient of 1 (100 on the percentile scale) expresses maximal inequality among value where one person has all the income.
Passport This link opens in a new window
Gini factors are available through the Search box.
LIS Cross National Data Center
Home of the Luxembourg Income Study Database and the Luxembourg Wealth Study Database.
See Data Access for databases; registration is required to download microdata sets, but detailed ‘Key Figures’ in Excel can be downloaded without registration. -
University of Texas – Inequality Project (UTIP)
Datasets on pay inequality at the global level and the national level with interactive world map visualization. -
World Bank – Poverty & Inequality
Keyword search «gini» to find documentation explaining the Gini-coefficient -
World Bank Development Indicators (WDI) & Global Development Finance (GDF)
Select ‘INDICATORS’ tab. Select Gini Index. Data can e downloaded to a variety of formats. -
World Income Inequality Database (WID)
Provides various measures of income inequality for 152 countries or areas, in some cases, prior to 1960.
USC International Business Databases
BCC Research This link opens in a new window
All reports are «global» but contain regional analysis with some individual country data. -
EIU Viewpoint (Economic Intelligence Unit) This link opens in a new window
Contains Country Reports, Country Commerce Reports and more from the Economist Intelligence Unit. -
EMIS This link opens in a new window
Provides coverage of emerging economies in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America including articles, financial statements, industry analyses, equity quotes, macroeconomic statistics, and market-specific information. -
Global Road Warrior This link opens in a new window
Business travel guide and country background information. -
IBISWorld This link opens in a new window
Detailed market research and analysis on over 700 U.S. industries as well as Global Industry Reports, China Industry Reports and Business Environment Reports. -
OECD iLibrary This link opens in a new window
Online library of Organization for the Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) statistical databases, books and periodicals -
Passport This link opens in a new window
Passport: International company, country, industry and market information. -
ProQuest Statistical Insight This link opens in a new window
Offers three major sources (federal, state and international) of statistical data tables, publications and links.
US Commercial Service Market Research Library
International market research and country commercial guides available from the US Government. Registration is required for academic users.
USA Trade Online This link opens in a new window
Describes the use of Trade Stats Express and USA Trade Online for official US government import and export statistics. -
World Bank Worldwide Development Indicators This link opens in a new window
The World Bank’s World Development Indicators provides direct access to more than 700 development indicators, with time series for 208 countries and 18 country groups from 1960 to present.
Public Websites for Country Information
Bank for International Settlements
Central Bank websites and Central Bank Research Hub -
Published by World Bank. Country reports are temporarily suspended until 2023.
Search the alphabet to find articles indexed on countries worldwide.
Data collected by U.S. Commercial Service for promoting U.S. good abroad. Search for countries under Opportunities Tab; other resources include industry market reports, guides and statistics and events.
Published annually by the World Economic Forum. Contains comparative rankings of countries along defined «pillars» (enabling environment, human capital, infrastructure, and readiness framework).
Published irregularly by the World Economic Forum (2016 is the latest edition).
University of Michigan’s site for Global information and links
Grant Thornton International Business Report
International Business Reports (IBR) Economy focus series vary by year. -
Heritage Foundation: Index of Economic Freedom
Published annually -
International Monetary Fund – Country Reports
Economic and banking news and profiles -
A partner for small business export success in developing countries.
Legatum Institute – Legatum Prosperity Index
The Legatum Institute is an independent, non-partisan pubic policy group based in London. Rankings by country and region and brief country profiles. -
Lex Mundi – Association of Independent Law Firms
Index to ‘Doing Business in’ reports for a variety of countries prepared by independent law firms. -
Country ocioeconomic and statistical data as well as special reports that vary by country.
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
Country specific data and factsheets on trade, exports, trade agreements and information to develop and coordinate international trade. -
Links to country reports published throughout the year.
National U.S. Trade Data – U.S.
Includes TradeStats Express and Trade Policy Information System (TPIS) covering merchandise exports, imports, trade balances and State export dta -
U.S. Census Bureau: International Statistical Agencies
National Statistical Offices/Agencies listed by country or organization -
Includes link to AmCham Directory
U.S. State Department – Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets
Replaces ‘Background Notes’ -
UNDP – Human Development Reports
Reports, Indices & Data by Country on Human Development (e.g. Health, Education, Income, Gender, Poverty, Sustainability and Inequality -
Social and Economic statistics and special reports.
Search for country insights, global trade analysis, global risk, and other international topic reports.